Cocktail Suggestions - Herding Cats

Smitten Kitten:

Luscious & delicious, but don't let this little kitty fool you! 
- 3 muddled strawberries
- 3 crushed mint leaves
- Top with Fever Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water
- Garnished with a sprig of mint and rose petals.

Ally Cat:

Grungy, could start its own band right outta Seattle! 

- 45ml That's Amore over ice

- 5 Sicilian green olives

- Top with Fever Tree Elderflower tonic water

- Garnish with bruised thyme.

Sour Puss:

A jumpin', kickin' twang that puts a smile on your dial & leaves you wanting more!

- 45ml Double Dutch over ice

- 20ml lemon juice

- 1 bruised sprig of rosemary

- Top with Fever Tree Angostura Tonic Water


Juicy Kit-tea:

Naugh-tea yet nice, fruity and fun. A must-try!

- 80mL Juiced Up Gin Junkie over ice in a glass

- Top up with peach iced tea to taste

- Garnish with some mint and enjoy!